
What are the main environmental problems today?

We are suppose to do an investigatory project in biology but I've got no clue on what topic to do... please help! any ideas?

doumo arigatou!|||GLOBAL WARMING!!! whaaa i really hate it cause it makes rain more and it makes the skies more cloudy and i can't feel the blue skies in the mornin and the stars in the night like last time anymore... DARN POLLUTANTS!!!|||Depletion of Natural Resources

Global Warming

Air, Sea Pollution|||Pollution mainly from cars, people are trying to protect against this with new types of cars being invented.|||A few that come to mind are the fact that so many people do not recycle plastic or paper, industrial/chemical pollution of our oceans, perhaps eating all the processed foods full of dangerous transfats, using animals for medical testing.|||Well there are so many problems to list off such as global warming, pollution, tampering with animals genetically for our use in food and entertainment

but ultimately the biggest problem overall is the human ability to consume, occupy and destroy everything by over use and neglect.

I'd be diving into the issue of what makes human beings cause all this chaos whether its innate or learned/taught.

