
In 100 years or so, will we have solved all our environmental problems, and cease to do harm the environment?

Will we one day have no more environmental issues? No more pollution, harmful emissions, deforestation, etc?|||probably not.

consider, it wasn't long ago that we didn't know about global warming, or the ozone hole.

i think there will always be stuff to learn.

however, it may well be the population increase that's the biggest problem.|||As long as there are masses of people there will be problems. From the look of it, batteries will be a problem. Toxic chemicals, radioactive waste. The haven't even touched on the breaking down of toxic chemicals. Universities should be studying this. They and theirs made it they should clean it up, instead of holding picket signs. Some radioactivity last like 300-900yrs. That is what they said when the big nuke power was trying to fight for viable ground. Of course now that they have to clean it up it is only 100yrs. Will the lies be bigger in a hundred years to cover the asses of hypocrites. Yup. If you believe lies. If it goes away so quickly why do we throw it in the ocean. And hope the fish eat it.|||I doubt pollution will ever stop completely. We can recycle all of our waste, but we need dramatic changes to occur before even that is possible. But these changes would be very very destructive to peoples current way of life and so you will not see such changes happen anytime soon.|||No, but we can make still make a difference. We can find more environmentally friendly ways to run factories and we can build more recycling facilities. We can have more factories that really do use 100% clean coal for energy. Due to the greed and money that are gained from oil though, it's nearly impossible for these people to give that up.|||It might take longer than that. But once human beings are extinct, nature will eventually repair the damage that's been done.|||There'll be new problems.

