i hav to make a 2-3 min powerpoint on a campaign to educate people about an environmental problem......any ideas?|||Your environmental campaign can focus on water shortage. Water scarcity is a growing problem being experienced in many parts of the world. As you know 70% of the earth's surface is covered with water and less than 1% of the fresh water is available for human use. Your powerpoint can include the importance of water and ways to conserve water in like turning off the faucet when brushing your teeth, taking shorter showers, washing only full loads of laundry, and fixing leaky faucets and sprinklers among others. For more visit http://www.bewaterwise.com/tips01.html All the best!|||Thanks!!
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Talk about this one, that will have their attention guaranteed.
Powerpoint heading - Does Africa have to be the world's toilet.|||Climate change due to greenhouse affect/ glaciers melting which will rise sea level, the use of plastic bags that harm environment, destroying of land, killing off animals crucial to our well being.Its depressing to go on..