
Do you believe humankind has the potential to solve or fix it's environmental problems?

This question is inspired by a film I recently saw called The 11th Hour. It explains how mankind has been destroying planet Earth since the discovery of natural resources. We now have huge issues like global warming, climate change and biodiversity problems. Do you feel humans can fix these issues? Why?|||We can fix almost any problem we choose. The problem is mostly political. Look at the political fallout putting up a wind mill causes. Just look how the efficiency of the autos on the road has gone up in the last few years!

Just as an example there is a dam near my house. This dam could power a small town plus. The issue of using the dam as a power source has not been debated. The question is who is going to pay to fix it or how to have it torn down.In the meantime millions of watt hours of power go sailing over the dam and no one gains from it.|||Yes, but we seem to be unwilling to at this point. Many seem to have decided that todays comfort or profit is more important than what we are leaving our children. We are very innovative and resiliant, we need to decide to work toward our own survivial.

