
What are some health and environmental problems caused by global warming?

what are some health and environmental problems caused by global warming|||Here's a complete list of things caused by global warming, as reported in various media outlets.

But, seriously, global warming does more good than harm, more arable land, longer growing seasons, etc. Global cooling, on the other hand, could cause worldwide famine.|||Now that nearly everyone is on the global warming/climate change bandwagon, you can attribute anything to this issue. I've seen claims that depression, suicide rates, even car accidents are linked to warming. The next time you're late for school try to blame that on warming and see how it works.

If there were to be further warming, which is unknown, then heat stroke, dehydration and wildfires would increase. But the deaths from freezing would decline in greater number so it's hard to say if the net impact would be good or bad. We don't know yet if there would be more droughts or not, since presumably more water would enter the atmosphere as glaciers melted, meaning more is available for rainfall. No linkage can be seen between warming and hurricanes other than the fact that warm water + cool air or cool water + warm air makes them happen in the first place. It's not the overall temp, it's the differential in temp that causes and feeds the storm.

In the past, warm periods coincide with explosions in human prosperity, the Bronze Age warming, the Roman Warming and the Medieval Warm Period. During the MWP people had such bountiful harvests they could afford to build the huge cathedrals that still stand in Europe, the other periods show similar prosperity from large harvests and plenty of food. It's a human perversity to look at what was so beneficial in the past as reason to panic today.|||Increased drought in some areas and flooding in others. Millions more people faced with starvation and hundreds of millions losing their lively hood from food or water stress. Disease spreading as flooding helps the vermin thrive.

And all that is just in Africa.

More locally the factors that increase global warming such as pollution also hurt people.

Edit, jazzfan the anecdotal evidence about those periods in small pockets of Europe is not reliable enough to make an assessment about the whole world. FAR more importantly, in modern times we have the whole world to worry about. Most people aren't willing to have southern Asia and Africa starve, just so a small minority of people in Europe can build Cathedrals or mansions, private planes and whatever else people build with their excess money nowadays|||Liberals are hyperventilating, releasing more Co2, speeding up the end of the world. I suggest that we solve the problem by getting rid of some of the people. Lets start with the liberals, go ahead and volunteer to give up your life to save the world. Any takers? Anyone?|||children starving to death cause mom and dad lost their jobs cause of some stupid idiot in Government passed laws that lead to the jobs being shipped over seas all for junk science.|||No more frost bite. Oh sorry that is a benefit.

