
Why are Australians so positve when the country suffers from lots of social and environmental problems still?

I hate the whole countries mentality that "if it aint broke, why fix it" or "she'll be right mate", whats up with that? are Australians just un-caring people about their issues? Please comment?|||Because that's the country's general mentality to pretty much anything...

There are problems or issues in every country. Australia is no different. Sometimes it works in our favour, sometimes it doesn't...

Environmentally we still have a long way to go.

Socially we are pretty mixed. We still have work to do - but then what nation doesn't? There is no nation which doesn't have poverty or homelessness etc.

Some stuff we do well, or at least we try and do ok at, we have "universal health", it's not perfect and Nordic countries do it better, but we do better than the US where homeless are regularly barely treated and then dumped at the local shelter when they can't buy. And something like 1/3 have no health insurance and are expected to pay hundreds of dollars for basic stuff (Morgan Spurlock did a 30 days on minimum wage and spent something like $500 to have his sprained ankle strapped in an emergency department. In Australia, go to a public hospital and it's free.) A documentary on a long term hospital saw bed sheets changed once a month and too bad if anything happens, cockroaches infested the sheets, good luck getting fed!

We have a fairly low bomicide rates - something like 1.25 per 100,000 (the US is between 5 and 6 per 100,000), our living standards, length of life etc are all pretty good...|||"Why are Australians...?"

I guess you are not Australian then? So why are you annoying yourself about what goes on in that superior country of yours? I mean doesn't every country have their own problems?

Just look at yourself and your country first before commenting on others.

I seriously don't understand why you bother so much with wasting time here question after question, feeding on people's reactions. Are reactions edible or sellable for money? I mean after we answer, we just move on with life... we don't know you so why would you expect us to be haunted with your behaviour?

Stupid.|||To quote Germaine Greer:

"Australians are too relaxed to give a damn."|||She'll be right mate, no wuckin furries.|||probably where the type of people that will probably get a cut that needs stitches and try and fix it with a bandaid and that is why i love this country|||Compared to the vast majority of the world's population we have it easy here ...our problems are insignificant when you realise that so many people struggle daily to put food on the table !

People here won't react until they are directly affected in ways that inhibit their daily lives ...that could be by way of their hip pocket or restrictions on their activities...when that happens there'll be one almighty bellow ...just wait %26amp; see !|||This is why I am not conservative. I hate the "let's stick with traditions even if there's something better out there" and "if it ain't broke don't fix it" attitude. I want progress, especially on environmental and social fronts. We are killing our planet, and making it unlivable for generations in the future, and social inequality still exists in Australia, something I find unacceptable.

I think the problem with a lot of people here is that they don't personally experience negative environmental effects, or social inequality, so they do nothing. It isn't effecting them, so why bother to learn about it, much less DO SOMETHING about it!

