
How long has Al Gore been an activist and speaking out about environmental problems?

I think its about 25 years that he has officially been and environmental activist but I'm not sure and I'm doing an essay on him. Please help! Thanks xox|||It was after he lost the election to George Bush that he started getting into it seriously, probably around 5 years ago. When he left the White House his net worth was around $3,000,000, it is now over $100,000,000.

He is also one of the biggest so-called polluters. He burns more electricity in one of his big homes than one of we mere mortals use in a year. He also uses his jumbo jet at the drop of a hat. He wants all of us to use bikes to get to work. When was the last time that you saw Gore on a bike?

He has made a very lucrative career over this. Many scientists disagree that global warming is man-made, but, according to Gore, they all agree.|||He's been on this kick since he figured out that we would not elect him dog catcher.

He makes millions on carbon credits - check it out.|||Somebody give Al Gore a new chew toy.|||Probably since right after he invented the internet!|||Ever since he bought into all those companies. Al Gore's facts on the global warming hype are actually loaded with inconsistancies. The man is a fraud and perpetuating this agenda as are others to put monies in their pockets.|||It depends on your definition of an activist for environmental problems. Are you including his years in the Senate and as Vice President? If not, it has only been about 8 years.|||Since he started the company that will have exclusive rights to manage the transfers of carbon credits.|||Ok., so WHY do you not go to the source?

www.algore.com|||Al Gore is a hypocrite. Yeah, lecture me on saving the earth, but say nothing about the private jet, mansion, and limos.|||Since he lost the election in 2000. At least that's what he said in his movie.

