Does Canada face any environmental problems other than overfishing? such as acid rain, deforestation, or desertification?|||All of them. Water wastage and shortage, water pollution, acid rain, deforestation, land fill dumps leeching into the watertable, unchecked garbage dumping, overfishing, high numbers of endangered species, desertification, global warming destroying the glaciers, high per capita greenhouse gas emissions, sulphur dioxide emissions, carbon monoxide emissions, volatile organic compound emissions, energy consumption, energy efficiency, volume of timber logged and generation of nuclear waste, higher commercial fertilizer use, higher population and lower official development assistance, air quality..
Sorry if I repeated anything.|||While many people want to believe in environmental armageddon, in fact, things are pretty good in Canada.
There's certainly no shortage of water. We have 20% of the world's fresh water, and don't use anywhere near all of it. There are some issues of getting water to the people, but that's a simple engineering challenge which can be easily solved if the wealth destroyers would get out of the way.
Acid rain was fixed last century.
There is no desertifcation in Canada. Agricultural practices have improved conserably in the last 50 years (mostly phasing out of summer fallowing). 2002 had the lowest rainfall of any year in recorded history (even less than 1937 -- the worst year of the 1939s), but there was no significant loss of topsoil.
We have lots of land to store our garbage, and lots of ability to turn it to good use like energy. We could double all the landfills in Canada, and still be using less than .01% of our land. Again, it's an easy engineering problem to solve, but there are too many obstructionists who don't want the problem solved because then they would have nothing to complain about.
Our forest cover, like the rest of North America, has increased, not decreased, in the last 50 years. Every other continent has seen a decrease. 85% of forest loss is due to insects and fires, not chopping down trees. If environmentalists would let us control the insects, we'd have even more trees.
Yes, most glaciers are receding, but that's been the case ever since records started being kept in the 19th century. It's natural for glaciers to recede in between ice ages.
The facts are there if you want to investigate them. Most people would rather not bother.|||Largest environmental problem in Canada -%26gt; The Conservative Party of Canada (unfortunately our current government).
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